
Location Republic of Estonia Health Board, Tallinn

/ Installation of two sculptures, wheat, polyester resin, aluminum, LEDs
Measures 200 x 200cm and D 200cm /


Authors Oliver Soomets and Bruno Lillemets


Above all is one sky, symbolized by a circle in many cultures. The circle is also a symbol of the sun. Throughout different eras, various deities have ruled the world, but the sun has consistently been regarded as the ultimate source in the entirety of human history.

Earth symbols, primarily the square, complement those of the sky and represent the Great Mother (Earth Mother), who is fertilized by rain and gives birth to plants that nourish other living beings. The Earth’s dependence on celestial and weather phenomena holds special significance for humanity because the coexistence of the sun and moon, night and day, wind and precipitation, and the soil creates life and warmth while providing daily sustenance. The Health Board engages with this natural bounty on both macro and micro levels daily, and our work is aligned with this as well.